It is that time of year again—it’s time to elect the Manx Club Board of Directors for the next term. You should have already received your ballot to vote via email. You will be able to see each candidate's self-written ballot along with a photo of them on the ballot. But we felt it was best to have that information here on the Manx Club forum.
There are THREE open seats, and SEVEN Candidates running for those THREE open seats. So please vote for the THREE Club Members that you feel will make the best BOD Members.
The election cycle ends on November 17, 2024.
If you have any questions, please email
Duane Falls – California
Hello MC members,
My name is Duane Falls and I am the current Manx Club board of directors Vice President as well as the current events coordinator for all Manx Club official events. I’ve really enjoyed working with our members to bring new and exciting events to this unique club atmosphere. My goal when first joining the Manx Club BOD was to create a new event registration page that would give each event host full capability to set up their own event registration page & add unique purchase options for their specific event. I feel this has been a great success and want to thank Vincent for all of his technical support.
Just a few things that I have been able to accomplish during this term are as follows.
1. I’ve been working with Meyers Manx to build a relationship that benefits members by arranging the purchase of 2 raffle giveaway Meyers Manx body kits for Bigbear 2023. Along with this, I have an on ongoing business relationship where I am notified of discounted bodies to share with our many club members prior to public release.
2. I have also arranged for 2 consecutive years of Meyers Manx raffle bags & goodies for every Official Manx Club event valuing thousands of dollars of giveaways for all club events across the US.
3. Club business, I’ve initiated and presented to the BOD the need to update the election process candidates for each cycle and was able to return our election process to a balanced 3 candidate election for each cycle ongoing.
4. As the events coordinator I have been able to organize and present for approval 12 Official events across the US. Assisting & guiding on every event is a challenge that I have enjoyed. The 60th anniversary Bigbear event was a challenge to help organize vendors, work with city leadership for the new major event permit as well as the forestry service and many other local agencies.
5. A voice for all club members is important to me so I have made it a point to present several items to the BOD for vote approval. Examples of this are the presentation to the BOD a new stream line raffle ticket style idea by member Mark Greunke as well as the all important Lifetime membership presented to Jim Chamberlain by Lavern Brock.
Currently I am creating a new Manx Club on-line store front page with the single goal of offering many new and past products to our club members with technical support by club member Paul Roger Lorenz. This will soon be available at Along with this exciting venture, Traci Falls will be the new Manx Club store front owner and contact. She will be sharing more details on this very soon.
The single most important measure that I personally strive for is to help guide the Manx Club into the most fun, adventurous and welcoming club possible for all active members.
Duane Falls
Manx Club Vice President
Events Coordinator
Vincent Parisien - Canada
My name is Vincent Parisien, member number 2696 and I’ve been a Manx Club member since 2005. I’ve served on the Board of Directors since 2013 and have held 2 terms as President.
I continue to be involved with all aspects of our hobby. I lead the organization of the Carlisle event for many years, I contributed to help remedy the Texas Dune Buggy registration issue, I’ve had the opportunity to represent the Manx Club in Mexico at the NORRA 1000 for 3 years and have led group runs across USA and Canada.
I’ve established myself as a world-wide ambassador for the Manx Dune buggy and everything that is good with the hobby. Accompanied by my life partner, we’ve shown members and dune buggy enthusiasts what these little cars are capable of. In addition, we have contributed to inspire others to chase their dreams/goals with their buggies (can you say Sea To Sea and now East Coast visits West Coast). I also have recognition outside the club and will continue to serve this club well in marketing the Manx Club to potential members and sponsors.
I’ve been an active member of the IT functions for the club including migrating and supporting the forum, building and setting up the new online registration platform, implementing the members database for our membership chair as well as supporting our members for all technology access activities.
My motivation to remain on the BOD is to continue to give back to the club for all it has given my wife and I over the years. We’ve contributed to help grow the memberships. I believe I can provide a contribution to the club from an international angle. I’m also very motivated to hear from our members on what we need to do to make the club better.
Graig Wilson – Arizona
Hello Club Members and all-around buggy enthusiasts!
My name is Craig Wilson; I have been a fanatic of buggies since I was a child, riding around in my parents’ friend’s buggy!
My wife and I lived in the Virgin Islands. After losing everything we owned, including our home, and being severely injured in two of the strongest hurricanes ever recorded, we moved back to the States. We moved in with my sister-in-law in Seattle, expecting to be there for a month or so before heading home. I ended up permanently disabled after all my surgeries and went through five years of rehabilitation.
Deciding to make myself feel better, I bought my first buggy, then built another, then another. We have four now—technically five, but we haven’t picked up the new one yet!
I am very honored to be nominated for the Board of Directors. Honestly, I’m not sure what is being asked of me, but I’m ready to jump in with both feet and do the best I can in doing what is asked of me and upholding the pride of the Manx club!! Thank you very much!
Steve Chandler - California
Little bio on me:
My name is Steve Chandler, and I’m father to two boys and a husband to my wife Kathe for the past 18 years. We own a little business in Costa Mesa, CA, that keeps us quite busy. My first car was a 66 VW Bug, which really started my love for anything VW. After the kids were born and we had a little more free time. I started getting back into classic cars, and knew I wanted a dune buggy. Through that process, we have ended up with three fiberglass dune buggies, one pre-tag Manx, one Safari, and one Fibercraft. I got to go to our first Manx club event this year at Big Bear, and everyone was so gracious, helpful, and had such a love for the hobby. I wanted to be able to give back to the hobby, so with the opening of some board spots, I wanted to throw my name into the hat.
Jeff Baisden Member - Virginia
My name is Jeff Baisden (4211), and I joined the Manx Club in 2013. I am eager to join the Board and serve the club in any way possible. In the past, I have been an observer, reader, and follower of the Manx Club, but as I leave the corporate world of property management after nearly 20 years, I wish to devote more of my time to the club that I am passionate about.
Recently, I brought up the idea of a license plate frame to the Board, and after some time and effort, a new plan is now coming to fruition. I look forward to continuing this kind of contribution, whether from a Board seat or as an active member.
Caleb Melvin Member – Washington
I have been into buggies since I was a kid, bouncing around the backseat of my father’s Baja bug. I bought my 1st fiberglass buggy when I was 18 for $300 and then spent the summer driving it everywhere; I have been hooked ever since. The Manx Club has given me so many great memories and lifelong connections, I would love to give back and be of service.
I worked in the marketing industry for over a decade, then transitioned to my other passion as a professional photographer. I had a brief stint as the editor of the “Manx Mania” before living overseas for a couple years. I am so excited to have the opportunity to help again.
Lyle Kirian Member – South Carolina
I am a retired Captain with the Greenville County Sheriff & Office in Greenville SC with over 26 years in Law Enforcement. As a Captain over the Administration Division I was responsible for Policy making, Recruitment/Hiring, Training, Human Resources, Fiscal Budgeting, Office of Professional Standards, National and State Accreditation along with being a member of the Executive Command Staff. During my Law Enforcement career, I have won multiple awards with the agency to Include the Sam Simmons Deputy of the year award and 5 distinguished service awards. I have been involved in the dune buggy lifestyle since I was 5 years old when my father built his first dune buggy while I handed him wrenches. I have had a passion for dune buggies my entire life, my children along with my grandchildren have helped me turn wrenches for as long as I can remember and were raised riding the dunes at the Silver Lake Sand Dunes. I love to share my passion with other buggy owners and every time I meet a fellow buggy owner, I always ask them if they are a member of the Manx Club and if they aren’t I teach them about the club, many times getting the same response of “I thought it had to be a Manx”. I enjoy the reactions that I get when I explain that all buggies are welcome and encouraged to join. I personally own a Meyers Manx 2, a Meyers Manxter , a Manx Clone and a BN viper. I believe with my professional experience along with my passion for the dune buggy lifestyle that I would make a great addition to the Board of Directors for the Manx Club. Thank you.
2025 Board of Directors Election
Re: 2025 Board of Directors Election
Today, an email was sent out to all Manx Club Members in good standing. The email was your ballot to vote in the Manx Club Board of Directors election. In the email, you are given two links to choose from. With the first option being closer to the top of the email, you must enter your Member Number and Password. The second option, closer to the bottom of the email, will populate your Member Number and Password for you. You are welcome to choose whatever option you like, but I suggest you choose the second option because it is far more manageable.
If you have any questions, please email me at However, please note that I will be on a road trip with only my phone from Wednesday to Friday of this week. We will still have plenty of time to correct any issues because voting does not end until November 17th, 2024.
If you have any questions, please email me at However, please note that I will be on a road trip with only my phone from Wednesday to Friday of this week. We will still have plenty of time to correct any issues because voting does not end until November 17th, 2024.
Re: 2025 Board of Directors Election
We have 1302 Manx Club Members eligible to vote via email in the 2025 Board of Directors Election. As I write this, 173 people have voted. But there is still plenty of time to do so; voting doesn’t close until November 17th, 2024
If you feel you are eligible and have not received your email ballot, please email me at, and I will get you fixed up
If you feel you are eligible and have not received your email ballot, please email me at, and I will get you fixed up
Re: 2025 Board of Directors Election
As of this writing, 190 Manx Club Members have voted in the Board of Directors Election, about 7% of the 1302 Manx Club Members. This is your club; please vote for the THREE Manx Club Members that you feel will best represent you.
If you are a member in good standing and have yet to receive your ballot, please send me an email & I will do all I can to correct the issue.
We have made voting as informative and easy as possible. It’s just a few clicks away. PLEASE VOTE! Voting ends November 17th, 2024
If you are a member in good standing and have yet to receive your ballot, please send me an email & I will do all I can to correct the issue.
We have made voting as informative and easy as possible. It’s just a few clicks away. PLEASE VOTE! Voting ends November 17th, 2024
Re: 2025 Board of Directors Election
I just looked to see how we are doing regarding the number of people who have voted via Simply Voting for the next session of the Manx Club Board of Directors. 326 of the eligible 1302 Manx Club Members have voted!
If you have not voted, please take a moment to do so. If you have not seen your ballot in your email inbox, please email, and I will set you up to VOTE!
Please remember that you need to vote for THREE of the seven candidates.
If you have not voted, please take a moment to do so. If you have not seen your ballot in your email inbox, please email, and I will set you up to VOTE!
Please remember that you need to vote for THREE of the seven candidates.
Re: 2025 Board of Directors Election
As a reminder, we are in the middle of this year's Manx Club Board of Directors election cycle. We are on track to closely match past election cycles, but improving voter turnout from one year to the next would be ideal. There are three open seats, and voting ends on November 17th, 2024. Please remember that the Manx Club is YOUR Club, and the club's success depends on membership participation. So please, take a few moments to vote.
If you have not received the ballot or accidentally deleted the email from Simply Voting, please email After confirming that you have not already voted, I will send you a ballot.
Please remember that you need to vote for THREE of the seven candidates.
If you have not received the ballot or accidentally deleted the email from Simply Voting, please email After confirming that you have not already voted, I will send you a ballot.
Please remember that you need to vote for THREE of the seven candidates.
Re: 2025 Board of Directors Election
I just logged into Simply Voting, which is keeping a close eye on how many people have voted in the Board of Directors election. I cannot tell who is in the lead, But I do know that 26% of the eligible Club Members have voted so far. I asked that an email with a ballot be sent out earlier this evening. If you have not voted yet, please take a few moments to do so. (If you have already voted, you will not receive the email.)
We still have three weeks to go so we are right on track with years past with 26% of the club membership voting. But it is always nice to improve.
If you have not received a ballot and have not voted. Please send me an email & I will correct the issue.
Voting ends November 17th, 2024
We still have three weeks to go so we are right on track with years past with 26% of the club membership voting. But it is always nice to improve.
If you have not received a ballot and have not voted. Please send me an email & I will correct the issue.
Voting ends November 17th, 2024
Re: 2025 Board of Directors Election
The Manx Club Board of Directors would like to say that it was nice working with you over the last two years, Anthony Cuozzo Sr.. Thank you for your efforts. We look forward to seeing you sometime in the not-too-distant future.
The BOD welcomes Duane Falls and Vincent Parisien back for another two years. We would also like to congratulate Lyle Kirian to the Board. We look forward to returning to work and doing our part to help keep the Manx Club successful.
We would also like to Thank Craig ChrissynCraig Wilson, Caleb Melvin , Steve Chandler , and Jeff Baisden for stepping up to the plate in hopes of becoming BOD Members. You are always welcome to reach out to any BOD Member if you have an idea that you feel would be good for the Club. Again, Thank You!
This was a close race, with 48% of the Manx Club members voting! A big Thank You to all who voted!
Manx Club,
Board of Directors
The BOD welcomes Duane Falls and Vincent Parisien back for another two years. We would also like to congratulate Lyle Kirian to the Board. We look forward to returning to work and doing our part to help keep the Manx Club successful.
We would also like to Thank Craig ChrissynCraig Wilson, Caleb Melvin , Steve Chandler , and Jeff Baisden for stepping up to the plate in hopes of becoming BOD Members. You are always welcome to reach out to any BOD Member if you have an idea that you feel would be good for the Club. Again, Thank You!
This was a close race, with 48% of the Manx Club members voting! A big Thank You to all who voted!
Manx Club,
Board of Directors