dirty gas tank

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dirty gas tank

Post by captron945 »

I have a lot of crud coming out of my gas tank, collecting in the inline filter. Pretty sure it's old rust. Any suggestions on cleaning the inside of the tank without removing it. Thanks, ron
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Post by ManxRob »

There is a fine mesh screen in the bottom of the gas tank at the hose fitting that sometimes gets damaged or removed. If the tank isn't too rusted it will capture most of the flakes, though it will not filter out the small stuff, thats what the filter is for. If the tank is badly rusted the screen will just clog and starve the engine of fuel. If you are a patient person, or have access to some little hands the screen can be serviced without removing the tank.
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Post by Gene-C »

It is not that hard to remove the tank to do it right I don't know of a any to do it with the tank in other than carrying a lot of filters I would take the time and do it right in your garage vrs bandaiding on the side of the road Gene C #729
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Post by CairoManx »

Lots of how to articles on Google. Can be done without removing tank. Use a bare steel wire as an anode. Put it in through the filler. Slip short sections of rubber tube over it to act as insulator at points it would contact inside the tank. It will actually do a better job than mechanically agitating. Search: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe ... tnG=Search
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