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Small donation to MOTB meant a little more.

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 8:34 pm
by calvin
I tend to like old magazines that have things in them that I am interested in. I have managed to find a few early magazines with dune buggy articles from the 60's and 70's. I like to read and collect them. I ended up with two copies of the 1967 February edition of Popular Science that had a great picture of Bruce in an early Manx on the cover and a nice article about buggies inside.

What to do with the extra, I just donated it to the MOTB raffle or silent auction. Didn't think much about it, thought it might help out the event. and that would be good. Anything to help make MOTB more fun for everyone.


In the Manx Dunebuggy Club group someone posted a picture of the cover. I mentioned that I had donated a copy to the MOTB, and I didn't happen to be at the event where it was given out, so I wasn't sure who ended up with the magazine.

and I got this response:

Jon Boyton: Calvin: I won the bid on that magazine. It was the issue I saw on the news stand back in the sixties that started this incredible journey for me. I had to have it. It is now being framed at the shop to preserve my memories but it's value too. Thanks so much for the donation to MOTB '15.

That just made me feel really good about what seemed like a small gesture to me at the time. I think I am going to be on the lookout for something else like this I can donate again next year. Hope I can do something that ends up with well for someone.

Thanks Jon, you really made my day today.

Re: Small donation to MOTB meant a little more.

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:14 pm
by Jon
Let me say thanks for your little gesture. It was great to win that bid. Somewhere in the last 48 years that issue and I parted ways. It was meant to happen this past Oct. that we got reunited.
Bruce's signature on the cover didn't help to push it over the top either. Thanks

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