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H4 upgrade for stock Manxter headlight buckets
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:53 pm
by andygere
I just installed a set of original Manxter headlight buckets in my Manxter, which have the stock halogen sealed beam lights in them. They don't seem terribly bright, and I was wondering if anyone has upgraded them to aftermarket H4 units. If so, was it a worthwhile upgrade? It made a huge difference in my previous buggy with 7" headlight buckets.
I was considering something like these. ... p-kit.html
Also, do these fit as exact replacement in the Manxter headlight buckets, or do they need modification to work?
Re: H4 upgrade for stock Manxter headlight buckets
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 7:02 pm
by Tom-Kathleen
We had them in Kathleen's car. It was a almost direct replacement. The car had to be registered with sealed beams, but were replaced shortly after with H4. I would suggest a relay kit to provide full power and not burn out the VW switches. One other thing - the connections are different for the H4 bulbs. Tom
Re: H4 upgrade for stock Manxter headlight buckets
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 7:20 pm
by andygere
Tom, that's good to know about the relays. My high beam switch is on a relay, but I'm assuming this kit is just for the power directly to the lights? I noticed that the sealed beams get brighter with engine revs, which makes me wonder if the current wiring is completely inadequate for even those lights. The OE used a Painless wiring harness and kit when he built the buggy, and the wiring is generally pretty good.
Re: H4 upgrade for stock Manxter headlight buckets
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 11:07 pm
by Tom-Kathleen
The relay kit I referenced supplies full power to the lights and works off of the normal switch to change from low to high beams. Also, there are different wattage H$ bulbs if you need brighter lights. Tom