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Manxter headlight aiming

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:24 pm
by andygere
I recently installed the new-in-box stock headlights that came with the kit on my Manxter 2+2, after removing some aftermarket units that were installed by the original owner. The sealed beam halogens actually provide a decent amount of light, but even with the lights tilted all the way back on the swivels, the beam projection is very low. The low beams are just about useless, and the high beams are only a little bit better. Note that I rotated the sealed beam units inside the headlight buckets so that the horizontal plane of the reflectors was indeed horizontal (to compensate for the tilted mounting angle).

What have Manxter owners done to modify the lights or mounts to get some more distance from the beams? My Manxter is on dropped spindles, so it's a bit lower than "stock" but it doesn't seem much lower than most of the other street Manxters I've seen. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Re: Manxter headlight aiming

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 2:21 am
by Chicago Joe
My experience with the aiming of the Manxter headlights has been that if the front end of the vehicle is pulled down
even a little bit, there is most likely going to be a problem with the adjustment of the lights.

I wanted the front lowered and like the results of adjusting the torsion leaves, and selecting tire sizes that gives me
the stagger I like.

I also modified the slots on the lamps to get a bit more angle on the mounting. I must have played with it for 6 months,
off & on.

I can see where a combination of lowered spindles, lowered by the torsion leaves, smaller tires & wheels on the front,
along with very tall rubber on the rear would get into serious alignment problems on the headlights.


Re: Manxter headlight aiming

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 8:17 am
by andygere
Thanks Joe. Was modifying the adjustment slots worthwhile? If so, how did you do it? I drove mine tonight on a very dark street, and even with the high beams on, the lighted distance was only a couple of car lengths.

Re: Manxter headlight aiming

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 5:05 pm
by Chicago Joe
You are really testing my memory on the details, as it has been over 10 years.

There is a rectangular slot that the mounting bolt for the lights fits in. I used a dremel tool to remove material and elongate the slot. You want to remove the material that will the lamp to be positioned in a more vertical manor. It does not take a lot, to be able to reposition the lamp. Be sure to find a way to coat & seal the area that you grind on to prevent rust from forming. I must have had the lights on and off the Manxter 10 times before I got it right. You could also take an old lamp housing and "practice" on it to get it right on the "good" lamp.

Also, I an using the larger stainless steel lamp housings on the Manxter, not the original rust prone items that came in the kit. I got them from Speedway in Lincoln, Nebraska.


Re: Manxter headlight aiming

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 8:27 pm
by andygere
Joe, just the advice I was looking for. My first instinct was to elongate the slot, glad to know that it worked. How do you like it with 7" headlight buckets? Are those on your Manxter in the picture? There are a lot more options in tha larger size, I haven't even found the manufacturer of the 5-3/4" units that come with the kit.

Re: Manxter headlight aiming

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:17 pm
by thesandbug77
Thanks to you both for posting, I've been struggling with this exact issue.

I run a Thing (Type 181) front end and stock Type I IRS rear, so if anything the front end sits slightly higher than the rear, and I still can't get the lights aimed to where I get a couple car lengths on high beam!

Looking forward to trying this...