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Clear Lake = Water Crossings & Wild Flowers

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 11:55 pm
by 1856
Below look closely there is a buggy in there ... the Judges gave full tens across the board

Another full Ten ...can U find the buggy?

The Wild Flowers were on in total regalia 



Carol and I Had a Great Time with eleven other buggies on the outing. Over a hundred miles of back roads through the Mendocino National Forest on Saturday.
I'll be pick'en mud off the all the places the pressure washer couldn't reach ... for ever

Clear Lake = Water Crossings & Wild Flowers

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 10:23 pm
by MikeandKristinLemmon




Clear Lake = Water Crossings & Wild Flowers

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 10:30 pm
by MikeandKristinLemmon

So much fun

Clear Lake = Water Crossings & Wild Flowers

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 2:18 am
by FulsGld
See, these are GREAT pictures. Really nice water crossings. The water looked like it was real refreshing. Fantastic...

Clear Lake = Water Crossings & Wild Flowers

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 5:22 pm
by Gene-C
I think we finally got the right weekend down for Clearlake and the weather gods
It was perfect and a great way to bring in the spring
Friday  5 of us went on a prerun to check out the stream levels
which for the more rain we had the levels were lower than they were last year
We made out about 50 mile when we came to a turn it the road, Kenny said "no its this way"
From his memory bank so we preceeded on we came to 3 trees that had fallen and bolocked the road
so when then got our axes and hand saws out and any other tool we wanted to use and began  breaking trail
We finally hooked them to Gadget winch and after some coaxing and about an hour had the trail open

So as we headed through our new path and came to the next interesection I checked the mao and quickly realized we were on the wrong trail and need to go back before out tree down episode and turn back then.
So our are energy was for not except for the fact we had fun breaking trail.
Getting late we decided to hgh itail it back to meet and greet the new arrivals.
On the way back we came across 2 motor cycles that one had flooded in the stream crossing
So since I was heading back I offered them to tow there cycle back the 30 miles back to the pavement
Well for those of you who have not been behind Gadget on a tow strap it is definetly a "Mr Towds wild ride"
so Imagine a motorcyle. He was sure glad to finally make the pavement  
So the next day we had 12 buggy's which was great and I think between the water crossings and the Spring colors
we caught everyone by surprise
The trail was 110 miles of fun from start to finish
But the dinner aftwards was un believable]

Clear Lake = Water Crossings & Wild Flowers

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 4:23 pm
by thesandbug77
Looks like another phenomenal Clearlake run for the books.  I'm sure bummed I missed it, one for the great run but also because I miss seeing amigos in the buggy world!  Once I build a four seater I'll be back in action.  Here's a recent pic of me and the bambino(s!) so y'all don't forget about the purple "almost swam with the fishes" buggy.  Hope all is well in your world.
