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August 2011 Day Run Through Malibu

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:16 am
by 5150bossman
I want to thank everyone who was able to make our run. We had a great time with six buggies and a convertible Mustang. Everyone made it through the varied terrain without much problem. No breakdowns, only one wrong turn (sorry… I was too busy looking at the beautiful scenery and not the sign…) and no one got overly car sick (Did I mention it was very windey?!). We missed seeing the zebra and the camel, but did see the little shetland ponies (No, we didn't see any monkeys on the side of the road this time either…). We only had a couple of issues with the motorcycle riders. We actually had to be more careful around the numerous bicycle riders. I can't see how it's any fun being on a bike to trudge all the way up that loooong steep windey hill, only to have to worry about getting run over from behind while going down the other side. The weather was cool while we were by the beach, but as soon as we headed inland, the sun came out, and the temp was very comfortable. As we approached the Rock Store, there was a bend in the road on Mulholland Hwy called "The Snake," where a professional photographer was positioned to take shots of the fancy vehicles driving by. When we got to the Rock Store, there were hundreds of motorcycles all jockeying for a good space to view the rest of the group (and three Sheriff's Deputies trying to keep a handle on them…). Once we got home, the potluck was outstanding! And a few of us even got into the pool (farmer's tan and all!). And to top it all off, several vintage WW II aircraft circled overhead from the near-by Camarillo Airport Air Show. All in all, just a great day. I couldn't ask for anything better!
The photos from the Rock Store can be viewed here;

The web site for the photos is;

Each photo is priced by the amount of work the photographer needs to do on it. E-mail him with the date, page number, photo number and description of your car and he will let you know how much an electronic file of your photo will cost.

August 2011 Day Run Through Malibu

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:14 pm
by Scott-Drolet
Wow!  What a great idea that photographer had.   I'm glad to see Lynn and Connie had Aztec Fire out and about, what a beautiful buggy.  And, I really like the Zebra print that Paul and Anita added (That's new, right?  I don't remember seeing the buggy at Big Bear). 

Looks like a fun trip, M&M . . . I'm so sorry we missed it.  Hopefully, you'll do another one soon! 

August 2011 Day Run Through Malibu

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:59 pm
by 5150bossman
Here is a link to some photos of the run that Paul & Anita posted on their Photobucket site.  


August 2011 Day Run Through Malibu

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:23 pm
by manx1111pla
That site won't come up for me here but it does come up on the DSB site when i click on link 

August 2011 Day Run Through Malibu

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:44 am
by 5150bossman
It does work on my computer, even with the end not highlighted. When I posted the link, that portion indicated that it was mis-spelled. Not sure why. When I pasted the link, it showed up with the end like you see it. Tried to re-edit it and ignore the 'mis-spelled' portion, but that did nothing. When I click on the link that I put, it still seems to go to the right place. Not sure what is going on. Same thing happens on RBC and DSB sites.

August 2011 Day Run Through Malibu

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:18 am
It works ok for me.