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TJ-Kustoms product showcase request

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 8:46 pm
by vincent9993
Good day fellow Dune Buggy enthusiasts,

One of our long time supporter, TJ-Kustoms, now famous for his Diffuser, Sombrero top and one piece carpet kits, would like to get pictures of his products being used and feedback as to the performance of these products.

I thought I'd get the ball rolling:
Back in 2009 as we were preparing for our 1st cross continent crossing with our buggy, I called up Tom in panic to order one of his carpet kits. Within 1 week he had it delivered to Canada!

Here are a few pictures of the products we got from TJ-Kustoms:
Black carpet kit for Red Buggy

Sombrero top for Red Buggy

Difference on Red buggy

Red carpet for Kick-Out-S.S.

Heated seats

On our way back from Carlisle in 2011 we stopped at his shop and he made us a Kustoms pouch to store our Sombrero top.

All of his products have held up through some real use. The red buggy has now over 85,000 miles and the carpet is still in great shape. The Kick-Out-S.S. has been driven through some wet weather and the carpet has also held up extremely well. I would not hesitate 1 sec to recommend TJ-Kustoms' products or services.

If you have pictures of any of the products from TJ-Kustoms, please share them on this thread and feel free to add your feedback as to the performance of the items over time.
Thanks everyone.

Re: TJ-Kustoms product showcase request

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 9:43 pm
by rzeller
I would like to say that Tom has been a major supporter of the Manx On The Banx (MOTB) event since the first year. Tom has help the Manx Club raise (literally) thousands of dollars with his product donations to our raffles and silent auctions. For that we are very grateful.

From a personal consumer's perspective I have two of Tom's products on our buggy right now. The first is The Difference which does work remarkably well in keeping the "blow back" from slamming into the back of your head. You can see in the picture below that we have a "special edition" version of The Difference.


The second product is something that I added during our recent buggy restoration. They are seat heaters. While I was skeptical whether Sue or I would like the heaters, I have to say I don't know how I've lived without them. While we live in the south and we can drive the buggy year round, the seat heaters provide that extra level of comfort when the temperature drops. Sue loves them!

I plan on adding a few more of Tom's products in the near future.

Re: TJ-Kustoms product showcase request

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 12:41 am
by abgiles
I'm at a loss for pictures right now, but will post some soon. My buggy is undergoing it's final phase of restoration. I have heard from NUMEROUS people about how wonderful his Sombrero Top, Difference, and carpet kits are. I've got a custom chassis, and although I won't be using a carpet kit, I will be ordering some custom carpet mats that he makes for those of us that have something that's not quite the same. I'll also be ordering a custom Difference (in red of course) for Loretta.

I'll also say that him donating the Sombrero was the reason I bought so many raffle tickets at Manx on the Banx (and it worked)! I ordered my Sombrero, and had it about a week later. Can't wait to get it installed and take Loretta on a cruise.

Re: TJ-Kustoms product showcase request

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 4:12 pm
by ManxManiac
While I do not use any of Tom's products, I have never heard anything but "praise" for them!!! It is fantastic to have great folks like him making "useful" products for Meyers Manx buggies &/or any brand of f/g buggy!!! I personally would like to "THANK" TJ-KUSTOMS for their Manx Club sponsorship & for seeing a need & fulfilling it with quality products & outstanding service... you are the BEST!!! Hope to meet you someday & "thank you" in person!!!