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Steering column hole in Manx clone
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 3:36 am
by garthom
Ready to drill 1 7/8" hole in firewall for steering column tube. Used straight edge with rag joint bolted up to get angle for hole, then marked & drilled small hole. Looks like hole is way too low for cross brace, (which is a Berrien). Does steering box sometimes need to be turned, (up in my case.)? Will turning box steering box affect bump steer? Thanks, Gary
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:03 am
by jsturtlebuggy
Yes sometime you have to rotate the steering box to make it line up where you want the steering shaft to go. It really does not give you anymore bump steer. Toe in will have to be set after moving steering box.
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:43 pm
by Manx-Australia
[QUOTE="garthom"]Ready to drill 1 7/8" hole in firewall for steering column tube. Used straight edge with rag joint bolted up to get angle for hole, then marked & drilled small hole. Looks like hole is way too low for cross brace, (which is a Berrien). Does steering box sometimes need to be turned, (up in my case.)? Will turning box steering box affect bump steer? Thanks, Gary[/QUOTE] If you rotate your steering box it will have an effect your bump steer. The stock setting of a VW steering box ix actually designed to have ZERO bump steer and rotating it up will modify this and you will gain some. That being said in a buggy this is often not noticible due to the change in wheel base and weight of the vehicle.
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:19 am
by markmark
I found this pic somewhere on the net where a Superbug steering column was used. You can see that if you use a column like this the stock angle of the steering box will not affect the column.