Gremlins in the machine... Broken nosecone or motor mounts?
- 5150bossman
- Posts: 607
- Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:00 am
- Location: So Cal
Gremlins in the machine... Broken nosecone or motor mounts?
So while we were out at the Laughlin run, the buggy developed some minor gremlins while on the extreme run. As the run progressed, it became hard to get into some gears. In addition, the throttle response was off. It would want to jump on a little throttle input, but would want to die if full throttle was applied to quickly (made climbing some of the technical hills very tricky!). My first thought was that we either broke the nose cone, or the (heavy duty Gene Berg) motor mounts went bad. We do have the front and back transaxle straps holding it in place. My second thought was that something in the Weber 40 carb went out of adjustment. Either way, it makes for interesting driving. So far as the nosecone and motor mounts, I did an inspection today and did not notice anything unusual. There is no obvious damage to the nosecone and all three rubber motor mounts visually look good, but I have yet to pull the motor. The front transaxle mount nuts at the nosecone are all tight and appear undamaged and I see no signs of movement anywhere. If the nosecone broke or motor mounts went bad, what should I look for? Do I still need to pull the motor to look at the motor mount bolts inside the bell housing? Is there a way to test it while it is apart in the garage (use of floor jack etc...)?
- 5150bossman
- Posts: 607
- Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:00 am
- Location: So Cal
Re: Gremlins in the machine... Broken nosecone or motor moun
Even though my original question did not get answered, I was able to correct the all issues with just minor fixes. Didn't have to pull the motor or anything either. The clutch issue was just a new cable I had installed just before Laughlin stretching. Re-adjusted the clutch and all was well with that. Before I pulled the carb, I thought I would check the idle jets just in case. Oh but what did I find?... Yes, one of the idle jets had a piece of debris in it, not totally blocking it, but enough to make it run funky (We do have the Jet Doctors installed, so its been a while since we've had that problem). Cleaned it out and it runs just like its suppose to now! A few other minor tweaks and we'll be ready for Buellton!
Re: Gremlins in the machine... Broken nosecone or motor moun
I'm glad we were able to help...
- 5150bossman
- Posts: 607
- Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:00 am
- Location: So Cal
Re: Gremlins in the machine... Broken nosecone or motor moun
With friends like this.... Pete, I know you will always be there....
Re: Gremlins in the machine... Broken nosecone or motor moun
Outstanding! We'll see you at Buellton!
Mike Dario
Mohave Valley, AZ
Manx Club #957
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Mohave Valley, AZ
Manx Club #957
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Manxter Dual Sport #30 Baja Edition #2 (Ours)
Resorter #19-Fuscia(under construction)