Lowering The Sides of a Meyers Manx???

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Lowering The Sides of a Meyers Manx???

Post by ManxManiac »

Hey Guys & Gals, since I never received any credible offers of trade, for a factory low side buggy, a Burro or a EMPI Sportster, I've decided I'm OK with modifying our original Meyers Manx "Xena"!!! My wife & I have problems with our hips & legs that make getting into & out of Xena quite painful & the odds of our conditions going away are slim to none!!!

I figured we had 3 options...
(1) sell Xena & quit buggy-ing & that isn't going to happen!!!
(2)Modify Xena's sides & make them lower to make entrance & exit easier & less painful!!!
(3) Trade Xena for a buggy of equal value that has factory low sides or a Burro, a EMPI Sportster or maybe a Manx Resorter!!!

I received quite a few offers, but none for anything I could use!!! So... after much more thought, I decided I was spending way to much time & thought about what to do!!!
I decided that "heck ya" I could drop the sides on Xena!!! After all, I completely rebuilt her, I know all of her most intimate secrets, I know she is put together "right"... so why would I trade her???

I've talked to several friends that work in the fiberglass repair business & all said they could do it & make it look "factory"!!! I figure the sides need to be lowered at least 6" & maybe even a couple more!!!
I've already figured out the answers to quite a few questions that I asked myself about it & I'm satisfied that it will work great!!! I'm even thinking about giving Xena a new "doo"... you know, change her color!!!

Has anyone here ever lowered the sides of a buggy??? If so, any photos??? Suggestions??? Ideas???

I thought about seeing how much Meyers Manx Inc. would charge to do it, but money is real tight now... besides, my friends said they would supply all labor & f/g materials for free!!! Of course if I decide to change her color it would cost extra for the primer & paint!!!
So what do y'all think??? We are tired of not being able to have buggy FUN FUN FUN!!!
Michael Cates
Ventura, CA
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Re: Lowering The Sides of a Meyers Manx???

Post by saderus »

Here's something I saw on DBA forum, cut down sides.

http://www.dunebuggyarchives.com/forum/ ... l?tid=4799
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Re: Lowering The Sides of a Meyers Manx???

Post by Sparkster »

It sounds like a Manx SR would be the ticket!

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Re: Lowering The Sides of a Meyers Manx???

Post by Ed-Chenal »

A DuneRunner body has the lower sides you need. That's what mine is. They are around.
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Re: Lowering The Sides of a Meyers Manx???

Post by ManxManiac »

Hey Sparkster, a MANX SR looks really cool, however, getting in & out isn't as easy as it looks! Try it sometime if you ever get the chance! Hey Ed, though the sides are a bit lower, it is still fairly painful getting in & out, I tried one here in Ventura a little while back! Entering & exiting a Burro, EMPI Sportster or a f/g buggy with real low sides (like the one in the link) is the only way for us! Thanks for the suggestion though, I actually had a fellow want to trade a nice Dunerunner for Xena, too bad it wouldn't work out OK!
Michael Cates
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Re: Lowering The Sides of a Meyers Manx???

Post by sandhopper2 »

Please don't cut a real manx , I'm sure we can find you a great sportster
Or maybe the Dave B Aluminum buggy
If you need a fiberglass body to cut , I have a couple that could work
Then you could keep all your other parts and only do the body swap
I met you long ago when Kevin and I came to pick up the VW bug , some day I will have it completly restored ( slow process )
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Re: Lowering The Sides of a Meyers Manx???

Post by Ed-Chenal »

I have a three inch lift kit in my Dune Runner and I raised my seats so the top of the seat is the same height as the edge of the body. You just slide your bottom across the flat edge of the body and into the seat. It is very easy to enter and exit.

I like that low entry aspect of the body so much, I found a four seater version that will eventually carry the grandchildren around.
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Re: Lowering The Sides of a Meyers Manx???

Post by 5150bossman »


What about putting (cutting) some doors in? I've seen it on a couple of buggy bodies lately at run show-n-shines. It keeps the lines, but gives you the accessibility. Maybe someone has a pic or two to post here.
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Re: Lowering The Sides of a Meyers Manx???

Post by pongo »

You can use the side nerf bars, as a step and overhead roll bar/cage as a handhold to help pull yourself into the buggy, then turn and sit. Couple years ago, we carried a step stool in the buggy for someone that just had back surgery, and I worked well.
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Re: Lowering The Sides of a Meyers Manx???

Post by ManxManiac »

I've had a bad back for many years & it never really bothered me getting in & out of the buggy!!! However... now I have a problem with my hips, thighs, knees, calves, ankles & feet, as well as my back etc. & they present a whole new set of problems "entering & exiting" Xena!!! Sorry Mike... no doors... I do not like doors on a f/g buggy & I've seen it done several ways, but to me they are fugly!!! Also... I'm not as able to work on my buggy as I use to be, so if I traded for a buggy, it would have to be ready to go (other than maybe an engine or a engine/transaxle swap) just as Xena is & of equal value!!! I don't have extra money anymore, so I can't spend any cash!!! I talked to my f/g friends today & they can't work Xena in until probably September!!! They've "penciled" Xena in, so if someone comes up with a possible trade between now & then... we'll see!!! Though I fully appreciate Xena's heritage, it will not bother me anymore to have her sides dropped!!! I'll save all the pieces & after I'm dead my kids can put it back to original if they want to!!! LOL I have a few other body mods I may have done also!!! LOL The color change is a definate possiblity too!!!
Michael Cates
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Re: Lowering The Sides of a Meyers Manx???

Post by Ed-Chenal »

pongo wrote:You can use the side nerf bars, as a step and overhead roll bar/cage as a handhold to help pull yourself into the buggy, then turn and sit. Couple years ago, we carried a step stool in the buggy for someone that just had back surgery, and I worked well.
For those of us who go off the pavement and have a roll cage, the problem lies in the distance or opening between top edge of the body and the cage. If you have to bend your old body in half to fit into the opening, it isn't pleasant.
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Re: Lowering The Sides of a Meyers Manx???

Post by Brad »

Just cut them out down to the floor and be done with it.

If you are happy to add a 6 point cage then you can get the strength back and not even have the sides.

The other option is side bars along the endge of the seat to the front pillar.

The main thing you are trying to do is give the strength back to the body you are cutting up.

Or just make it a ute.

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