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Master Cylinder and Brakes in General
Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 3:59 pm
by mikeandhank
Hello, This whole VW dune buggy thing is new,, this is the first one I've ever messed with. And so I'm to a point where I need to get and install a new master. The 1961 chassis came with what i just found out is a 55-66 Bus master cylinder with the screw on reservoir. A new one is needed as this one is total junk, locked up, busted reservoir, etc. So I see new ones available but they say they can be used with disk/drum, or disk/disk. But my buggy is drum/drum, so will this master cylinder be ok to use with all drums? I like it due to the screw on reservoir. Thanks for any input.
Re: Master Cylinder and Brakes in General
Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 6:05 pm
by jsturtlebuggy
Yes using the Bus master cylinder will work. Make sure the sleeves for the mounting bolts are there or you end up bending the dual plate part the master is mounted to in the chassis.
Originally your chassis came with a master cylinder that was 19mm in diameter.
Brake pedal will be a little harder to push because of the Bus mater is 22mm in diameter.
Really not noticeable in a lightweight buggy.
There are two aftermarket reservoir made out of metals to replace the stock plastic reservoir that can crack. Both are in the Empi catalog.
Welcome to the world of buggies. They are a lot of fun.
If you new to Volkswagens and in need of simple help, “How To Keep Your Volkswagen Alive, a manual of step by step procedures for the complete idiot” by John Muir has helped out more people then any other manual out there. Yes there are other manuals too, if you already have technical skills makes them easier to understand.
Even though your chassis is a 1961 that does mean all the parts are that year. Since many parts are interchangeable, you can have many different year of all your brake parts, different year transaxle, engine, and many other parts.