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Engine details for Old Red

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:42 am
by Mudmax

I am curious a out the engine that was in Old Red when it set the inaugural Baja record. Details such as displacement, carb(s) size, and any other special construction details.

Mostly curious, but there may be some useful tips in putting together a buggy engine.


Re: Engine details for Old Red

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 9:59 pm
by jsturtlebuggy
Bruce built Old Red with parts from a wrecked 1963 Bug. More then likely he used the 40hp (1200cc) engine to begin with. Back then a 1500cc engine came in a Bus, but were not cheap or plentiful.
You could at the time people did build a 1500cc engine out of 1200cc. You got a 1500cc crankshaft, had the 40hp rods narrowed on the big ends to fit the 1500cc crank, and used a 40hp big bore piston & cylinder set (83mm). And then cut .100” off outer perimeter of piston (for the extra 5mm stroke) to fit in chambers of the 40 hp heads. You did have to use premium fuel because of the higher compression ratio.
I have built them many years ago.
It was not common at that time to use cylinder spacers or longer push rods.

The last time I saw Old Red it had a 40hp based engine in it.
Originally there were two big bore sizes for a 40 Hp engine, first were 82mm, then the 83mm became available later.

Re: Engine details for Old Red

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 3:35 pm
by Mudmax
Thanks for the details. I have a three 1200cc engines. It gives me some ideas to use those, or maybe, just use bigger bore.