buggybums campout report
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:10 pm
Beautiful weekend for a ride! Hospitality was top notch from coffee and breakfast in the morning to the last ?beverage of choice? at night. Everyone was great. Friendly and helpful just a great group to be around. One issue with a trail and my wife?s stocker but that should be cleared up now. Otherwise, rides were loads of fun. Some decent sized mud muddles, wide dusty trails, skinny brush covered trails, sand pits and pebble pits,a trip out to some cool, eerie ruins at dark. Cn?t wait to do it again! Some memorable parts of the rides? ed in goes to cross a water hole and sinks to the base of his carb! Dies on the other side but is able to be push started. My wife , sideways in a mud puddle trying to be towed out with mike?s buggy and a tow rope. (nope didn?t work. But some muscle eventually did). Me, getting some air over a sand hill we found to play on top of. The camp sites were awesome! Several water pumps right at our sites. All the sites butt up against each other to form a sort of community camp. The playground was right next to the camp so the kids could walk freely between the site and the playsets. Hot showers and toilets. Learned a couple lessons, such as, even if you are only planning on going out for an hour ride bring all your supplies because the worst may still happen! So the next one will only be better still. And of course, what good would this thread be without pics? So here?s a quick vid and some pics. Can?t wait till we go through and get a movie together. It was a blast. vid: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v444/ ... nt=air.flv pics: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v444/ ... 20weekend/