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modified brake drums

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:03 am
by croakintowd
I'm looking for a set of Type 1 brake drums which are drilled for the Chevy bolt pattern. (5 X 4 3/4" I think)....... My buggy is using a 1970 type 1 as the donor. So Cal Imports has rears, but no fronts. Theirs are also drilled with the Ford pattern, so it has a lot of holes in them.....They have blank (undrilled) drums, also. Has anyone had a blank drum drilled? If so, How much did it cost? Anyone know of another source for VW type 1 drums with the Chevy pattern? Thanks!

Chevy pattern

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:24 pm
by Don Giovanoni
I am running blank drums which were drilled for the Chevy pattern and fitted with studs. I believe I got them from So Cal Imports - they drilled them and put in the studs. I have been running them for 3+ years with no problems. I am careful to torque the lug nuts to 65 pounds and only run on the road. Someday they are going to be replaced with 4 wheel discs, but they have been fine so far.


Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:56 pm
by croakintowd
Hi Don, I guess my best bet is to call SoCal and see what the cost will be. But, I couldn't find any front drums in their on-line catalog. I'm sure they have them, I'm just pretty pathetic at "Computering".....LOL. I found a guy on TheSamba who was advertising exactly what I'm looking for, but he doesn't seem to want to get back to me about the deal. For what it's worth, I have 4 wheel discs on my buggy, with a proportioning valve, etc. They work great! But, I think I've decided that drum brakes will work as good as I'm going to need. I'll just need to get used to adjusting brakes again............LOL. Thanks for the help.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:32 pm
by MojaveMel
I changed 4 lug Vair to 5 lug chevy a while back. If you get blanks and have a chevy pattern come on up and we can drill and tap them. Price is one burrito.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:06 pm
by Gene-C
Mel, Is that per stud or per wheel?