New Manx Club

When it's just not buggy related.
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Post by TMc2548 »

I don't want to come across as another sheep following the shepherd but from what I am able to discern from Winnie's post and the two respective threads, wherever the Steering Commitee take this club I'm confident it is in good hands. I'll be first in line to admit I know little about buggies and VW's. From the time I've been a member up until present I've never felt the Club didn't represent my needs and position as a buggy enthusist. It has been the source of invaluable information and I've met a lot of nice, helpful people; online and in person. I cannot imagine a better place to come and share my hobby. Thanks to those that have stepped forward. You have a tough assignment and deserve my gratitude.
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Post by 90volts »

is there any idea when we will be presented with any of this? nominations, committee recommendations, bylaws, etc? i am interested in finding out what direction the club is going, partly because i had been surprised to hear that there are some RBC members that have stepped forward for the steering commitee. Just a rumor thats been floating around. but it seemed kind of odd which is why i was hoping that the members would come on here and tell us a little about who they are and what their thoughts were on the club. curious to see if it was a hostile takeover situation. it seems to explain a bit about the odd situation with the rbc having the manxstore at their run and the manxclub taking a fee for an rbc event. no one really gave a good answer back then about that. i don't know the politics of the clubs out there but it hit me as a bit odd. also odd the no mention of it on the rbc site. so there you go...a clearing of the air would be nice.
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Post by Siggymanx33 »

90Volts, In Mels opening email he addresses this: -- We are eight in number (nine if you count Bruce and Winnie as two.) -- All on the committee are long-standing dues-paying Manx Club members. -- Five of us participate in three different buggy sub-groups. -- Meyers? and myself are located in So Cal. Everyone else represents a different geographical area. -- We have several committee members who reside 1500-2000 miles from current club headquarters. I think it is great that these people stepped forward and I can care less which other groups they are from. There are some people that were very critical and outspoken (whether in public or private....chatboards and in personal emails) of the Manx Club when these various other clubs started. (Remember the people *****ing about bullhorns, expensive doughnuts, no cursing on the campground, etc. people putting links in their signatures with the purpose of taking traffic away from the Manx Club, emails being sent out with invites and other childish campaigns) and then poof....... another website started and everyone took their comments there. The bashing towards the club at one point was ruthless. This ulitmately started the downhill spiral of the Manx Club. It will be interesting if their names pop up on the steering comitee. Either way, it's my understanding that it will go out to vote and these folks are laying the groundwork for a democratic club. Nothing wrong with that.
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Post by MojaveMel »

90volts: How can you have a hostile takeover when you are approached by present management and form a coalition of interested parties to form a club with elected officers? Got this in an email: Give me a break; he hasn?t even bothered to read the responses to his own previous posts?sheeesh! Maybe there?s no mention of it on the RBC site, because there?s no hostile takeover, Winnie, after all did ask for help! [font=Verdana]We were pointed to another site where you mention you had hoped you would be the first person banned from the Manx Club. I think that tells everyone pretty much your intent here. You are trying to disrupt rather than have a genuine interest in the future of the club. I received an email from Winnie saying she might call you and/or ban you. We appreciated her giving us that info. (FYI the steering committee requested she not ban you. Whether she does is up to Bruce and her.) (We see on that other thread too that another person is claiming some of us got them banned. I'd love to tell you what we heard really happened but the question should go to present club management. Feel free to call Winnie if you want the truth, which I doubt, on that one.) And none of us have any idea where you got the idea of the manx store at a RBC run or money flowing between RBC and Manx Club. [font=Verdana]You mention it like it is fact. [font=Verdana]None of that ever happened. Shucks, we are even reaching into our own pockets to get the new club up. Nice try at planting a rumor though.
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Post by 90volts »

well, first, if you had bothered to read this post on 'another site' you would see that it does not say that i 'hoped' to be banned but this is what it actually says:
you got banned? was that just a few days ago over this latest thread? hadn't thought they would go that far! (or that i'd be first at least )
meaning that i hadn't seen anything on this site to ban anyone for, and if it was anyone to be banned it would be someone asking questions, like myself.i was asking why he had been banned and if it was indeed over something in the thread. i do not know the answer to that. odd that you didn't quote it, or would that be because hearsay suits the purpose better than an actual quote... again- odd. your quote:
Got this in an email: Give me a break; he hasn?t even bothered to read the responses to his own previous posts?sheeesh! Maybe there?s no mention of it on the RBC site, because there?s no hostile takeover, Winnie, after all did ask for help!
i have read the responses. where does it give anything more than broad vague references? how would i know there was not a hostile takeover? maybe bruce and winne wanted to get out of the club biz and they were approaced with an offer they couldn't refuse from another ,previously disgruntled club? maybe a hundred different scenarios.. unless we are told, we do not know that. i'm sorry that whoever emailed that to you didn't have enough balls to post it here for him/herself. that is unfortunate. everything i am saying/asking has my name attached to it. no hiding behind anonymous emails on my end. winnie can do what she wants. if she feels that she should ban a paying member supporting what her husband built a life on because of percieved slights and hearsay when in actuality i am looking for info on a club i have participated in for a few years without even owning a 'manx' , like many others here, fine. like i said she can do what she likes, it is her club. i won't say i'd be surprised by that either. but thats the way it goes. the info i had on the rbc/manxstore / manx club fees, was from the DSB site , i think, earlier this year. it was a run where winnie supposedly wanted to bring out the manxstore products for sale on one of the rbc runs and it turned into the manxclub charging a fee for a previously free run. someone here may remember it better than I or have the firts hand info on the run since it was in california. again... we are looking for info, that is all. this is the kind of crap that happens when you make vague announcements and then shut up about all the details. hell, let me know who it is in my geographical area and i can live with that. at least having a contact with any concerns. we are pretty active here in this area and if one of the guys is on the commitee they haven't said so. figured that wouldn't be something they would hide from us, or need to hide for that matter. for the record i think it is good that people have stepped up to volunteer for this. just don't see the reason for all the smoke and mirrors. i've been out this way organizing runs and that since i got mine on the road. i've even tried to do it as the manxclub and was turned down. i was hoping to be able to include that in the future. maybe you misswed this post on that 'other' site:
i would like to see it become regional. i was pretty disappointed a couple of years ago when i called winnie and she didn't even want me to make my own banner saying 'dune buggies of the manxclub' for a show because of legal reasons of liabiltity to them. maybe in a regional club we would have more exposure here. i know i have offered articles on cruises,shows and campouts but they weren't interested. i can only think it was because it was east coast and they felt there was no interest to the club as a whole. still a time to be optimistic (fingers crossed)
hell, i'm the one who posted it over there hoping that some of the guys who were upset about what happened to the club (when it went member only) would be optimistic about being able to come back! wow- talk about twisting my motives around! check that 'other' site out for the quotes. you will see that they are un-edited.
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Post by 5150bossman »

90, the run I believe you are talking about, where the Manx Store was invited to attend, was the Tahoe run. By the way, that was not an RBC run. The Sierra Nevada Buggy Club hosted it. To put a formal run on does have some expenses. If the host wants to charge for attendance to recoup some or all of those expenses, that is there prerogative. We may all not agree with it, but if we want to attend, then we must go by the rules the host has established. To do otherwise invites contempt on both sides (which I observed first hand at the Big Bear Run where some DSB people I had never met before attended proudly wearing their DSB T-shirts, and made it well known that they were there without paying any fees). We can voice our opinion, but in the end, it's just that. What they do with the various opinions is up to them. And if I don't like what 'they' do with my opinions (whichever group I am dealing with at the time), I will move on to something else and not let it bother me. Please, please, don't fall into using rumor as fact. Take it for what it is, Rumor, which is mostly 10% truth and 90% fiction. It just makes us all look bad.
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Post by MojaveMel »

OK. You thought you would be first to be banned. Thanks for making my point.
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Post by 90volts »

you had a point? so is that a good thing then? that members who may dissent feel like thay may be banned? i thought maybe a change was going to be made. i see that is not likely to be the case if this is where the commitee is already 'steering' us.
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Post by flaboyjim »

Thank you for keeping us all in the information loop. Information is power, and keeps rumors down... Keep up good work, fight the good fight. Everyone please remember: [FONT=Fixedsys]If both of us agree on everything, one of us is not needed... [/FONT] Lets just wait to see what shakes out.
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Post by BuggyBob »

90volts, you wrote "the info i had on the rbc/manxstore / manx club fees, was from the DSB site , i think, earlier this year. it was a run where winnie supposedly wanted to bring out the manxstore products for sale on one of the rbc runs and it turned into the manxclub charging a fee for a previously free run. someone here may remember it better than I or have the firts hand info on the run since it was in california." your info was wrong. make sure you have your facts before making a fool of yourself. Bob
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Post by 90volts »

so how was it wrong then? you just said it was a previously free run right? thats what i said. and then winnie got the manxclub involved and a fee was charged right? that also is what i said. seems i was right on with that one then. glad you remembered it too. the only part i was mistaken about was RBC running it. i don't know who you think you're fooling. well,there's a third member ... anyone else? 5 to go.
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Post by BuggyBob »

Mike, didnt take you very long to post. to set the record straight, I invited winnie and Bruce and I suggested she bring the Manx club store so people who cant make it to socal had the chance to buy stuff. My question to you is why do we have to explain every little thing to you?
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After sleeping on the posting I made last night, I have decided that I should remove it. There was no reason in going to the level of others just to get even. I am sorry for offending anyone.
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Post by 5150bossman »

Image Oops, I meant this kind of Mix Master :D Image Now that we've got things all mixed up, I think it's time we all took a step back, count to 10, and decompress for a while. Then we can get back to :drinking:
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Post by tgodber »

I read and post on the various forums for fun and information. This is getting nasty!!
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