First, thank you for to being faithful to reading us. And today we are starting our story by saying: What a beautiful day! Everything started around 6:20am when we left Elko, it was sunny (picture below). To please my man, I decided to put my biker's coat to allow us to drive without the top (it was only 12 degres Celsius or if you prefer, 54 degres Fahrenheit). Everything went well, however I don't know if you remember Touche the turtle, so I was like him today, I was putting my hands and my head into my coat to get warm (see picture below). Around 8:30am, I only kept my other coat and at 10:00am, I removed it. It was very hot and the temperature was beautiful. The scenery was breathtaking. We have a video where we are passing throught a tunnel, it was very special.
We went to Reno (because we wanted to have lunch there) but finally we only passed throught, that did not seems to be safe to leave the Dune Buggy in a parking with all our luggages. See pictures of Reno below. You could also see on 7051119 that Engelberth Humperdinck is hidding at Reno, I thought he was dead oups. It was very hot in Reno, the thermometer indicated 37 degres Celsiuc (or if you prefer 96 degres Fahrenheit).
When we left the Nevada to enter into California, the landscape changed, it was still very nice and still lot of hills (but going down that time). Due to the fact that the air was cooler, this realy help the engine. We got a small issue, when we were driving the hills with the wonderful landscape, we crossed a yellow truck...I told Vincent: Look, these are pigs. But then, the big yellow truck passed us and guess what? I think that all pigs were into the truck for a whole week and where did you think they shat and pissed those pigs...into the big yellow truck and guess what? When the truck was ahead of us, what was the smell? Shit mixed with urine...and than, make matters worse, we were stuck in traffic where we were bumper to bumper and the big yellow truck was still ahead of us. Even than Vincent had enough and after 30 minutes, he was able to pass was time because our lungs could no longer bear more. However we had to stop to put gas into the Dune Buggy. When we arrived at the pomp, they were asking for our Zip Code. As we do not have one, Vincent went inside and the woman asked him: You don't have a Zip Code? Vincent said no because we are not from the States. The woman said: From which country are you? Vincent wanted to answer from China, but he didn't. But then we were going back on the road. Vincent and I have never been saying so much prayers to not cross the big yellow truck again. Finally everything went well, we never crossed him again.
After that, we were stuck into huge traffic and this, for about 2 hours and a half. We arrived at the Staybridge Suites at Fairfield at around 6:30pm. We finally got our wonderful day with hot temperature and blue sky and more of it, without any cloud. It was a long, very long day, but so wonderful. We achieved our first milestone...California.
Have a nice day and talk to you soon.
Vincent et/and France xxx