It's not you it's me

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It's not you it's me

Post by lastmanx »

When I joined the manxclub back in 1995 it seemed like a nice idea. To help newbies understand where the fad came from and how to help themselves to simply repair, or restore their buggy. the newsletter was actually informative. I started using this web site 2 years ago; as I just can't justify the monthly expense of computer internet cost. My job gave me free use of a computer. At that time I noticed unanswered simple buggy questions and got involved. Most questions were the same ones newbies have asked for centuries. Those easy answers have been available in books for over 40 years, and all over the internet; but I answered them anyway.
I began to notice others were happy to answer newbie questions by directing them to retail shops, and repair shops who could fix their issue for the right price $. I also noticed very few people used this site. Made very obvious when directed to use the new facebook site.
The latest issue of the newsletter said it all for me. As pointed out in the story that in 1968 a brand new beetle cost less than to build a manx with used parts. It is the same today, to build a new manx in 2017 will cost $20,000 about the same price of any new car. Its glossy new format is impressive, but a tech story on how to bling out your buggy with shiny chrome $$$, that holds heat was untechnical. An ad for a pricey offroad radio disguised as a tech article, (that will probably be required for sanctioned manx events) was a waste of valuable glossy space in the newsletter.? The introduction of the new classic manx for 1/2 the cost only stresses the fact members should have deep pockets, as we try to lure new members with the lower cost. I have briefly checked out the facebook site; which is all about look what I have done, hey look over here $$$$ sites. I get it that is whats "trending" and that is how it works. Luckily I understand what is put on this site remains forever; so if someone looks back far enough they will see the answer to a question they have. The only new questions seem to apply to how one can spend $$$ to fix a issue or bling out their buggy. (cup holders, heated seats, electronics,etc.) and are eagerly answered on the facebook site. I'm an old man, I got into buggys before manxclub existed, I joined local clubs; that also changed directions so I left them. I will be into buggys with or without the manxclub, or the popularity of buggys. My wife often says to me (when my head gets to big) that "NOBODY CARES". She is always right. I'm done. Again it's not you (manxclub) it's me. Buggy on and keep smiling I will.
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Re: It's not you it's me

Post by Gary0302 »

Your comments such as this, "as I have noticed lately here at the manxclub it would probably be a group of trailered buggys and a support vehicle for the one driven buggy, who will receive a patch for driving it more than mile" will be missed. But then again; perhaps not.
Last edited by Gary0302 on Tue Apr 11, 2017 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Gary Holbrook
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Re: It's not you it's me

Post by langan »

I for one will miss you. You are a special talent and a true car guy.
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Re: It's not you it's me

Post by ManxManiac »

Hey lastmanx... I fully understand what you are saying!!! I've never had the pleasure & honor of meeting you in person, but I feel like I've known you for a very long time!!!

I've been involved with car clubs, Jeep clubs, hotrod clubs & all sorts of clubs in the last 50+ years & they all end up changing, sometimes for better & sometimes for worse!!!
It cracks me up, they way many folks here want "photos"!!! I am not, nor have I ever been, a photo person!!! LOL It seems that many of the folks I come across with buggies & related items, do not want any photos taken of their "buggy stuff" either!!! Some folks get real "nuts" when you mention the "internet" or a "Facebook page" too!!! They do not want their "stuff" plastered all over the "world wide web"!!! The "internet" can be a very useful & informative place!!! However, it can become your worst nightmare too!!!

IMO... "buggy folks" should try to stop taking everything so personal & try to lighten up & not be so serious!!! When you get a large group of folks together as we have in the Manx Club, you have folks from all walks of life!!! Rich folks, poor folks & folks from everywhere in-between!!! The f/g dune buggy, whether it's an authentic Meyers Manx or a authentic Mater Moose Minx or whatever... is the common denominator!!! All of us love the fiberglass buggy because of a quadrillion reasons!!! LOL The more you talk to buggy folks & listen to their "stories", the more you should think about the fact that "their story" & "your story" is what puts y'all on even ground!!! What they have or you have shouldn't matter... it's the memories, the FUN FUN FUN, the adventures, family fun, fun with your friends, the overall comraderie of everyone when we are together as "like minded individuals", that have come together as "one body", to fully enjoy the common thing we all love... the fiberglass buggy!!!

In the "big picture"... it doesn't really matter how much our buggies cost or how big of an engine it has or whether it's a Meyers Manx or a clone!!! You can have just as much FUN FUN FUN in one brand of f/g body, as you can in any other brand!!! Folks get too wrapped up in the brands of buggy bodies & in reality they shouldn't!!!

I've been in Jeep & other 4X4 Clubs that wanted its members to run "4 low" most of the time, when we were off-road, regardless of the fact that the trail we were on could easily be driven at 30 mph!!! If you didn't agree, you weren't in that club very long!!! I would run 2 wheel drive as long as I could "safely", then shift into 4X4 when really needed!!! I also drove my 4X4's like I drive my buggy "Xena"!!! LOL
I know of Hot Rod Clubs that have progressed to the point, that if you haven't spent at least a 100K on you car, they really don't want you to become a member!!! They have lost sight of what owning a hot rod & being a member of a club is all about!!!

I've always said, that "buggy people" are the nicest, most caring & loving folks on the planet!!! They are always eager to help out each other, in any way they can... no questions asked!!! That's the way it should be "in the real buggy world"!!!

Unfortunately, lately, there "seems to be" a "great divide" in the buggy world!!! I know about some things a few folks were upset about, but none of it seemed relevant enough to cause a big problem!!! With a reluctant heart, I dare say it appears to be an East Coast vs. West Coast "thing"!!! I thought we were all in the same country, the good ol' USA!!! I hope & pray this "thing" is not true!!!

So... I think what we need to do is "get back to basics", that is the "basics of having fun fun fun in a f/g buggy", the way its designer & creator Bruce Meyers intended it to be used for!!! If you listen to Bruce being interviewed by Huell Howser on "California's Gold" episode 3002 "Dune Buggies" & listen to it numerous times, Bruce doesn't mention staying in a motel, a camp trailer etc., no... he mentions finding a place & setting up camp!!! He also says that if you have a mind to, you can camp "out of your buggy", for up to 2 weeks!!!
If any of you happen to see the video from back in the 60's of Bruce & a bunch of the other pioneers of buggy history, on a buggy trip through the "Rubicon Jeep Trail", they had plenty of FUN FUN FUN!!! Then... I was looking through a online photo album that Doran discovered of Rivets, Splinters & a whole host of early buggies having a blast out at the desert, up in the mountains & all over!!!
I think that's what is needed, an exciting adventure in your buggy with just you & your passenger & whatever supplies y'all need to survive for 3-7 days, along with a group of buggies "just like you"!!! No motels, no campers, no motorhomes... Just Good Fun... like the old days!!! Load your buggy up & drive to where you are going... & back!!! Start out with a weekend & gradually increase the length of each adventure!!!
No promises yet, no decisions yet, think about it!!! A bunch of y'all have driven across the USA & survived!!! LOL Something like this should be easy peasy for this group of "LIKE MINDED FOLKS"!!!

BTW... I ask for your forgiveness if I've offended anyone, it isn't meant that way!!! Don't sweat the small stuff... life is too short!!!

And "no"... it's not you... it's all of us!!! LOL
Michael Cates
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Re: It's not you it's me

Post by Mike-Presley »

Mike, very well said. I wish I could write that well. Thanks
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Re: It's not you it's me

Post by rzeller »


I read through your post numerous times and I believe you have stated a number of truths. The first one being
ManxManiac wrote:I've always said, that "buggy people" are the nicest, most caring & loving folks on the planet!!! They are always eager to help out each other, in any way they can... no questions asked!!! That's the way it should be "in the real buggy world"!!!
and the second, that there is a divide in our club between the east coast and west coast. However, I submit to you that part of what you wrote may actually highlight one of the roots of the issues and the fact that “we” – the club members – are not seeing the forest for the trees.
ManxManiac wrote:I think what we need to do is "get back to basics", that is the "basics of having fun fun fun in a f/g buggy", the way its designer & creator Bruce Meyers intended it to be used for!!! If you listen to Bruce being interviewed by Huell Howser on "California's Gold" episode 3002 "Dune Buggies" & listen to it numerous times, Bruce doesn't mention staying in a motel, a camp trailer etc., no... he mentions finding a place & setting up camp!!! He also says that if you have a mind to, you can camp "out of your buggy", for up to 2 weeks!!!
If any of you happen to see the video from back in the 60's of Bruce & a bunch of the other pioneers of buggy history, on a buggy trip through the "Rubicon Jeep Trail", they had plenty of FUN FUN FUN!!! Then... I was looking through a online photo album that Doran discovered of Rivets, Splinters & a whole host of early buggies having a blast out at the desert, up in the mountains & all over!!!
I think that's what is needed, an exciting adventure in your buggy with just you & your passenger & whatever supplies y'all need to survive for 3-7 days, along with a group of buggies "just like you"!!! No motels, no campers, no motorhomes... Just Good Fun... like the old days!!! Load your buggy up & drive to where you are going... & back!!! Start out with a weekend & gradually increase the length of each adventure!!!
I've heard this statement made numerous times over the last couple of years by different people and I believe that it is being taken too literally. The results of the literal interpretation have been that, depending on where you are in the country or world, there is a belief or even a judgement that our buggies are being used either "as intended by Bruce" or they are not being used correctly (i.e. "wrong"). In my humble opinion, this belief or judgement is alienating the membership and dividing them up into "camps." I'm willing to bet that if asked today, Bruce would emphatically state that the dune buggy was built for enjoyment by all and it's use is strictly up to the builder/owner.

The club currently has approximately 1000 active members. As of right now approximately 50% of the active membership reside in California. That leaves the remaining members dispersed across the US and the world. What does this have to do with the problem? Plain and simple, geography. Look at a topography map of the US. California has sand, desert, and mountains. Move eastward across the US and the geography changes significantly. As the geography changes, so does the way and where we are able to drive or use our buggies. On the east coast we have mountains, beaches (coastal states - with very limited and highly restricted vehicle access), and mostly streets/roads. On the west coast you have huge public and private lands to off-road. Not so much in the east. To your references of Bruce talking about camping - the options for the east coast members are to camp in established campgrounds (e.g. KOA's) or roadside rests along our major highways. Not exactly the picturesque image of camping under the stars in the desert.

There is no disputing that Bruce originally designed the dune buggy to run "in the dunes," or in the desert, because that's where his interests were when he designed Old Red. Not to mention he was living in southern California at the time. However over time others realized how much fun these little cars were/are and bought/built them for themselves. The kits were sold by Bruce to be built and used where ever the buyer lived. There wasn't a provision in the purchase agreement that said they had to stay in California and/or only to be used off-road. The kits/buggies reside all over the world and are being put to use in the environment that the owner/builder lives in. Maybe this is one of the bad traits of human nature that we feel we must be "more right" than our brothers/sisters in our personal belief that there is only one "right way" (or intended use) use of these buggies.

I am taking a very big risk in writing this for fear that it may create even more friction than help. I'm hoping that if you and I can understand the differences, then maybe others can to and we begin to be more understanding that there isn't one correct answer or use of our little cars. You are so very right in your statement "I think what we need to do is "get back to basics", that is the "basics of having fun fun fun in a f/g buggy" and stop judging each other in how we chose or have to adapt the use our buggies based on our address in the world. I know I'm not "righter" than you in how I drive my buggy. It's just different. We all just need to understand that we are individuals and live in different environments around the world. Once we accept that maybe we can start embracing the diversity this club represents and offers.

I hope my comments don't offend you (or anyone else for that matter) as all I'm trying to do is get us all to take a breath and see that we are all connected by a hunk of fiberglass and a funny looking little car, not by how we use it or how much chrome/bling we choose or not choose to put on it.

So please join me in finding one of those picturesque off-road spots or your favorite rest area along the busy Interstate and sing Kumbaya together :D

Bud Zeller
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Re: It's not you it's me

Post by lastmanx »

wrong. it's me. my point was not clear, so i'm back for the moment. my point had to do with the web site or social media; whatever that is. not about you the club. it is not a east west coast thing. rzeller you put on the manx on the banx event, a very enjoyable time for many. but look carefully at your photos. how many buggys arrive on trailers or in box trucks ? only to drive on a hard packed beach in off season. you yourself or others could drive the soft beach in season if you wanted. I drive beaches on cape cod as you know. I don't care or feel indifferent on how you run your event, as the smiles on faces tell the tale; when not covered up with a paper bag. I only wanted to point out to every one there is a coastline on both sides of the country that if you wanted to; you could drive. you gave me a free dvd of your event that made clear what it is about. it was most informative and I thank you. I suggest any member thinking of attending to purchase it, to understand the event. the title manx on the banx suggests real off road action , and the dvd clarifies what really goes on. yes still fun. so is driving on Daytona beach with my minivan. again many enjoy it. my point is the whole social media web site stuff, I don't get it or enjoy or find it educationally informative. that is all. please all do what you want with your buggys. see you in the sand (some of you ) lastmanx lone wolf out.
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Re: It's not you it's me

Post by ManxBug »

Some of us live no where near a coastline or even near many other buggy people. We are very great-full that the on-line presence exists. Without it we would likely feel quite alone.

If I had the expendable time off to be able to attend an event in the US, I'd probably be dismissed by you because I'd need to trailer my way there due to being 1700 miles away. I enjoy my pretty street buggy and love to drive it when my northern weather allows.

If the internet is riling up your emotions, just turn it off and don't participate. You don't need to try to shut it down for the others. You do your thing, I'll do mine. Co-exist!
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Re: It's not you it's me

Post by lastmanx »

if you can drive a tow vehicle 1700 miles you should be able to drive your pretty street buggy 1700 miles, you will save a lot of gas money. if you think your pretty street buggy won't make the distance, it's time to make it more dependable while you're not towing it any wear. again to be clear I am not trying to cause a riff in the club. you are correct in that I don't get or care for the internet, website whatever. my thoughts were that before my ridicules of saying "it's me" this official manx site hadn't seen much action. Get real if you feel guilty or shamed for towing your buggy it's your hang up. I have Harly Davidson motorcycle buddys who brag about attending many far and close events; only to find out they trailered their bike to the event. There was a time when the bike was itself driven to the event; which is why the event was intended. I don't care who tows what any where, honestly. I am very thrifty (cheap) that is why I drive my stock 1600 cc 30 mile per gallon buggy to events, shows, cruise nights and beach (oh my!). if to a show I don't frantically clean the dead bugs of the windshield and body; I enjoy the show. if the show is on a grass or dirt field I don't jack it up to take off a wheel or put a mirror under it;it's a dirt field. if you do, good for you, it's part of your fun. don't get me wrong I used to, and have many trophys to show for my effort. i'm not bitter or angry in any way, it is only that my thrifty solutions to the same simple issues that f/g buggies have had since 1964 are no longer wanted, as new buggy owners want referals to high dollar shops and web sites that I cant condone. it is fine with them and with me. I could care less if you go off road or not. but just understand f/g buggys can go off road if you wanted to. thank you for your interest in the manxclub. keep smiling and tow on.
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Re: It's not you it's me

Post by ManxBug »

Just to clarify, I don't tow mine anywhere either. I don't have the money or free time to drive or tow it 1700 miles.

I would tow it if I was going 1700 miles so I would have the security of an enclosed trailer to store it in. I'm more worried about theft than I am my buggies reliability. There is also no way I could talk my wife into riding shotgun in the buggy for 1700 miles.
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Re: It's not you it's me

Post by lastmanx »

lighten up. have a nice day :D
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Re: It's not you it's me

Post by FulsGld »

I tow the Turista everywhere. I do this cause I drive it pretty hard in the sand/woods/desert/street. It's my towd behind the motorhome. I use the trailer cause incase the Turista breaks, I have something on which to repair it or bring it home. The one time I didn't use the trailer one of the rear wheel bearings (IRS) failed. I caught it in time before I lost the wheel. I rented a tow dolly and drug it home (400mi). I'll never flat tow it again. I love the RBC buggy runs and when summer hits it's the ride I take everywhere. I love it, the wife loves it, and the dogs love it. Geocashing is great fun. I love water crossings. I'm hoping to drive from the CA border to La Paz, MX this November in the Turista. These things are made for fun no matter what you do. I love seeing trailer queens at shows, but I really like the buggys that are dirth and driven.

Gary Berry
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Re: It's not you it's me

Post by hillmotorsports »

Nice GMC Gary!
We still have a 1975 Avon edition, 350k miles and now headed to the 3rd generation owner of the same family. I am obviously biased but still feel they were way before their time, ride like a dream.
Rosemarie and Paul Hill
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Re: It's not you it's me

Post by lastmanx »

gary, sand/woods/desert/street is that just a coastal thing? and you say your wife and dogs actually like being in the buggy? you must have comfortable seats, what kind are they? others in the club may benefit from that info. thanks in advance.
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Re: It's not you it's me

Post by FulsGld »

hillmotorsports wrote:Nice GMC Gary!
We still have a 1975 Avon edition, 350k miles and now headed to the 3rd generation owner of the same family. I am obviously biased but still feel they were way before their time, ride like a dream.
Hey Paul (or Rosemarie): They are GREAT machines and easy to work on. This one is a stretch based on a 73 Canyonlands. I've have about 130k miles on it, but you have everyone beat. We have loved it also. Just right for two adults with two small kids. We had a 76 Palm Beach prior to this one. I really like the Avions. The interiors are amazing. There is a true sub-culture in the GMC world of passionate Avion owners.
Gary Berry
Prosser, WA
1971 Turista
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