Lost pictures from photobucket

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Lost pictures from photobucket

Post by Mike-Presley »

Seems like photobucket has blocked a lot of my pictures from this site. What I read is that they want $400 a year to allow me to show them here. Anyone else having problems?
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Re: Lost pictures from photobucket

Post by lastmanx »

No. my pictures are on 35mm, and I own them outright, also it cost 0$ a month to store them. I think you should get a real bucket to put your photos into.
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Re: Lost pictures from photobucket

Post by 5150bossman »

It's just a case of you can pay me now, or you can pay me later. Someone figured out that in electronic photography, they could cash in on the electronic alternative to the cost of purchasing, developing and storing all that film :oops: Sorry, no clue as to what is happening with Photobucket. You may want to send a message directly to them.
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Re: Lost pictures from photobucket

Post by Mutterranch »

Like many, Photobucket replaced my pictures (On another site) with "Photo not found". I reorganized my pictures into new folders then edited my post with the new link and now they show up again. Try it it may work for you too.
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Re: Lost pictures from photobucket

Post by 5150bossman »

Sounds like something got changed on their end, and broke the link. The pics would have to be re-linked then.
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Re: Lost pictures from photobucket

Post by FulsGld »

I've been slowly downloading all of my photobucket pictures and putting them on another site. At least they don't keep me from downloading them...
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