Heres some pictures I took in my spare time. Enjoy!
Boulder Creek welcomes the Manx Club
Since Al wouldnt fix it, Cindy did.
Doran and Jennifer D., two of the nicest people you will ever know!
Crazy Rod from Reno, Nv. Im proud to say I know him!
Saturday morning Show and Shine with 61 buggies!
My Manxter and Dave Barretts' Kubelite
Peoples Choice and Best of Show Winners
The camo Manx won Peoples Choice and Best Theme, The green Manx won Best of Show and Most Original Manx
Instructor David Hale on how to use the Manx Club Buggy Totter
Dale Shonkweiler getting his buggy lined up
Saturday night dinner provided by Mountian View BBQ from Walker, Ca. at the Lone Pine Senior Center. Nobody left here hungry!
Jeff Hinds, the owner of Mountian View BBQ. What a great guy! Thanks go out to his staff for feeding over 100 Manx Club members!
Sunday morning buggy run up to Mt Whitney Portal and Movie Road in the Alabama Hills
All the buggies parked up the portal. Elevation: 8365ft
Theres those two nice people again!
This location on Movie Road was where they filmed the opening shot of the first "Iron man" movie. The scene where the Humvee was blown up. Manx Club members Bob and Nancy L. are the proud owners of the front hood of that Hummer.
I would like to thank all those folks who gave up there buggy day to help me with this event. With out you all, it wouldnt of happened.
Special thanks go out to Bob and Nancy Lee for all thier hard work and help! Thanks guys.