We were too excited about Bug Jam to discuss the get together - ok, lets narrow it down some. This is not confined to Florida Buggies, but will be held somewhere in Florida (TBD later)
I voted March cuz Jan. and Feb. might be cccold. However I'm game for whatever others want to do. See you Friday Jim. I'll call you Wednesday to make arrangements if that's ok with you.
I would like to get together / I missed the bug jam because of schedule but would like to a meet on the west coast from st pete to tallahassee or somewhere in between ... If its in my hometown of Homosassa or crystal river i will provide food and beverage for 12 , come dive with t he manatees
[QUOTE="racetearoffs"] come dive with the manatees[/QUOTE] You can get a stiff fine for that. But, if you're in a secluded area, sign me up for the 'Manatee Experience'. Do you have a saddle?
I spoke to several "lodges" in the forest today. One shows a bit of promise - has camping, cabins and a meeting hall. That way, those that dont want to camp dont have too. I will be puttting some links up soon. Hey racetearoffs, why not come on down State Road 200? We promise a good ole time !!! :rock:
whatever is good for the majority is fine . I should be driving by the end of the year and camping is great . www.keatonbeach.org I have some hunting property up that way
There are not that many hotels or cabins in the forest as I thought. I did find these Salt Springs Lodge that are available for two weekends in March. There are two bedroom and three bedroom's available. The two is $85. and the three is $105. per night. This is just about 1 mile from the national forest campground where the campers could stay if they want. It is about 6 miles south of where we were last March. The dates available are 10-12th and 23-25th. Seems that everything else is taken. Guess that we need to reserve ASAP to lock in those dates.....
Hey Jim, March 23rd & 24th are fine by me. The March 10th weekend is still bike week I beleave. If every one else is fine with it lets settle on that weekend.