Took a little road trip in the Manxter from Reno,Nv to Quincy, Ca today. Yeah, it was a bit cold, but I had to try out my side curtians and 12v heated blanket. I also wanted to visit Manx Club member Siegfried Fiolka who is building his Manxter. Heres a few pictures I took along the way there and back
The Manxter does not have a heater in it but the side curtians and heated blanket made the trip bearable. Also, I will be installing Dear Whistles on the buggies. Almost took out Bambi on Highway 89.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Today we had some warm temps. 58degs and having the buggy down for several months while I installed a roll cage, rear bumper, reupholstered seats and a Tach. The wife and I took a little put to Carson City. While stopped first in line at a red light all the left turning traffic on a cross street stared at us like we were nuts, of the 20 or so cars that turned everyone gave us a smile or a few thumbs up…. Now, just how much better can it get. Maybe us Northern Nevadan's are little nuts; there’s still some snow on the ground around here as you can see in Bob Hunters post but somehow I don't think we are the only ones....[/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Bob K[/FONT] P.S. We didn't have no stink'n heater either.....[/FONT]